I want to help you manage your type 2 diabetes naturally. Controls For Diabetes may collect a share of sales or compensation from the links on this page.

take-the-diabetes-quizTake the Diabetes Quiz

How well do you know type 2 diabetes?

A bit, a lot or not at all.


1. How do you know you have diabetes?  Type 1 Diabetes. Type 2 Diabetes. or Gestational Diabetes.

Type 1 diabetics have a pancreas abnormality and cannot produce insulin after carb and protein consumption, therefore a person will need insulin to metabolize glucose into the cell for energy.

Type 2 diabetics are the opposite, have insulin resistance,  high blood sugars and other metabolic syndrome type disorders..

Gestational diabetes mellitus is a type of diabetes that occurs during pregnancy. The body cannot produce enough insulin to handle the effects of a growing baby and changing hormone levels. Additional insulin helps to control the level of glucose.

2. What is the normal A1c range for a non diabetic? For a diabetic?

Hemoglobin is a protein found inside red blood cells that carry oxygen to every cell in every part of the body. Blood glucose will attach proportionally relative to the level in the blood to the red blood cells. The amount of glucose attached to the Hemoglobin is measured by a Hemoglobin A1C test.

A1c                                                                            Status

< 5.7 %                                                                     Normal

5.7 % – 6.4 %                                                         Prediabetes

> 6.5 %                                                                     Type 2 Diabetes


3. What are the symptoms of Type 2 Diabetes?

Symptoms of diabetes include:

  • Increased thirst and you can easily monitor this throughout the day, it is a good idea to cut down on the juices and sodas.
  • To go along with the increased thirst will be frequent urination.
  • Unusual fatigue during the day, this could be due to the unbalance of the blood sugars going high and low.
  • Increase in waist circumference  and weight, this could be due to insulin resistance and visceral obesity. Eat healthy natural foods and exercise to keep your insulin sensitivity in the normal range and blood sugar low.
  • Cloudy or blurry vision, high blood glucose causes problems in the eyes known as retinopathy.
  • Wounds heal slowly, if it is not infected then, due to high blood glucose and insulin resistance will prevent healing in a normal fashion, known as neuropathy.
  • Cramping of the legs, this usually happens at night when sleeping and you wake up with a debilitating knife stabbing pain.
  • Numbness in any part of the body due to high blood glucose.
  • Sharp tingling pain in any part of the body due to high blood glucose.

4. What is a carbohydrate?

Carbohydrates are found in a wide variety of foods, for example vegetables, fruits,  processed foods and sugar. Carbohydrates break down after digestion into glucose.

Glycogen is a carbohydrate found in the liver and muscles used for energy source.

5. How many people in the world are diabetic?

It is epidemic and beyond control. According to the IDF in 2017 there were 425 million diabetics in the world. This does not include prediabetic and the people that are undiagnosed. This number could easily be well above 1 billion people. This is about 1 in 7 people with diabetes. Holy high blood glucose batman.

6. What is a Low Carb High Fat (LCHF) diet?

Otherwise known as Low Carb Healthy Fat diet. Eat whole natural food. Key word being natural. Whether you eat ketogenic, paleo, or what have you. Stay away from high carb processed foods and eliminate sugar and all of the 56 + other known sugars and additives. 

7. Who is Dr. John Yudkin?

Dr.  John Yudkin was one of the first people to note the dangers of sugar in a book that he wrote in 1972. In his book he reveals the dangers that sugar presents and its links to insulin resistance, type 2 diabetes, heart and liver disease and dental issues.

8. How many grams of sugar are in a teaspoon?

There are approximately 4.2 grams of sugar in a level teaspoon rounded to 4 grams. Total calories is 16. Total carb content is 4 grams and provides no nutritional value.

9. If you drink one 12 ounce soda every day for a year, how much weight will you gain?

If you drink one 12 ounce can of soda each day for a year you will gain 15 lbs.  Here is the math – One can  is 140 calories x 365 days = 51, 100 calories,  1 pound is 3500 calories

51,100 / 3500 = 15 lbs.

10. Is type 2 diabetes inherited?

Type 2 diabetes is not inherited. The only thing that is inherited would be family members consuming the same high carb processed food diet, leading to insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes.

11. Why do wounds heal slow when you have type 2 diabetes?

Wounds heal slowly because of insulin resistance and high blood glucose. High blood glucose is toxic and every part of the body will be affected.

12. What is blood glucose, blood sugar, and glucose?

Blood glucose, blood sugar, and glucose mean the same thing.

13. What is fructose?

Fructose is used in High Fructose Corn Syrup (HFCS) and is the other half of the monosaccharide in sucrose, otherwise known as table sugar. Sucrose is composed of glucose and fructose bonded together. Fructose is the sweeter of the pair of monosaccharides in sugar. There is no nutritional value of fructose and after digestion goes straight to the liver to be metabolized. Is a main contributor to Non alcoholic fatty liver disease.

14. Does obesity contribute to diabetes?

Partially yes and no, there are people who are obese and do not have diabetes. They are the lucky ones, once the subcutaneous fat and the visceral fat fills up diabetes is right around the corner.

15. What is carb counting?

Carb counting is used to monitor your intake of carbs so that you can lower your glucose, insulin and  HbA1c.

16. Why should you carb count?

You should carb count if you want to lower your insulin resistance and HbA1c. The idea is to normalize your insulin resistance and bring your HbA1c to a normal range. The end result is to reverse your type 2 diabetes.

17. What does intermittent fasting do?

Intermittent fasting helps burn off fats while you are not eating. This is the best way to burn unwanted fat. It will take a bit of time to get used to, but is well worth it.

18. What is insulin resistance?

Insulin resistance is a resistance to insulin. Prolonged and excessive exposure to insulin or hyperinsulinemia causes insulin resistance.

19. Were you able to answer all of the questions?



Hint, the answers to these questions are on this website.

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2 thoughts on “Take the Diabetes Quiz”

  1. I am a young man of 45 years now and was diagnosed with diabetes last summer. I was having lots of symptom like weak erection, weakness of the body, dry lips and palms, and even restlessness in the legs and shrinking of my general body build ups. My head was itching very much. I was seeking something to help regain my life to be able to do things for myself. Through my primary physician i learnt about a Diabetic disease herbal formula from NATURAL Herbal and their success rate with the treatment, i immediately started on the Diabetes disease herbal protocol, I am glad to report the herbal formula worked effectively and there was no side effects, I had a total decline in symptoms, the weak erection, restlessness and other symptoms stopped, my Diabetes disease is totally REVERSED. This Herbal Protocol is Incredible!!

    1. Hello Alex,

      I am truly glad for you that Natural Herbal is working. My website is dedicated to eating natural whole foods without sugar, exercise, and intermittent fasting. This is the lifestyle I chose without any drugs or herbal supplements. Once you figure out that you need to get your A1c and insulin sensitivity back to normal you should be well on your way to reversing your diabetes.
      Now, if we can only help the other 1 billion or so people out there with diabetes, the world would be a healthier place.

      I thank you for letting me know.
      Stay healthy and thanks for commenting.

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